
Showing posts from 2011

Steve Jobs

Many write about Steve Jobs Stanford speech today. Some aspects, I have not read about yet, so here they come: - In the first part of the speech, he uses one phrase so often, that I take it as his main message: "drop out to drop in". This might be derived from the Hippies slogan "turn on, tune in, drop out", but is much more positive. It is about leaving your live of routine to start listening to your heart. - Another remarkable thing to hear is the acceptance of the dark side of life: "death is lifes change agency. it clears out the old to make way for the new." - The Hare Krishna gave him food, when he was poor.

A tribute to the West

Ever wondered, why there is a civilisational drift from east to west, why people search for a better life, mostly westwards? It seems, the world has a spin. It is spinning from west to east. Inertia gives its inhabitants a drill in the opposite direction. As pioneers reach California since 200 years, they find, moving westwars comes to a end there. But they still feel the force of the earth's drill. They needed to find a target to transform this energy into something usefull. They found technology. Californians are moving the boundaries of human capabilities.

Islam and the West are invading each others cultures

Islamists kill Western citizens, because they invade Islamic culture. A Westerner kills Western citizens, because they allow Islamists to invade Western culture. Why not make a deal. The West believes in Allah while the Near East accepts democracy. Done.

Common sense and faith

Verse Lord, I will follow Thee; but , 133; - lu 9:61 "Thought Supposing God tells you to do something which is an enormous test to your common sense, what are you going to do Hang back If you get into the habit of doing a thing in the physical domain, you will do it every time until you break the habit determinedly; and the same is true spiritually. Again and again you will get up to what Jesus Christ wants, and every time you will turn back when it comes to the point, until you abandon resolutely. "Yes, but - supposing I do obey God in this matter, what about . . . " "Yes, I will obey God if He will let me use my common sense, but don't ask me to take a step in the dark." Jesus Christ demands of the man who trusts Him the same reckless sporting spirit that the natural man exhibits. If a man is going to do anything worth while, there are times when he has to risk everything on his leap, and in the spiritual domain Jesus Christ demands that you risk everythi...

Too vain to be aging

Gunter Sachs begeht Selbstmord, um die Einschränkung seiner geistigen Fähigkeiten durch Alzheimer zu verhindern. Er ist Symbol einer Generation, welche in Europa nach Jahrzehnten der Kriege und Wirtschaftskrisen in den 60er Jahren das Leben wieder geniessen konnte und durfte. Die Intelligentesten dieser Zeiten wurden nicht zu strengen Offizieren oder Firmengründern, sondern pflückten die Früchte, welche nach langer Zeiten der gesamtgesellschaftlichen Entbehrung wieder reiften. Eitelkeit wurde zum Attribut dieser Generation, welche die Schönheit schätzte und verlangte. Gunter Sachs war zu eitel, um menschlich zu altern.


So, what is behind the uprisings in all these Arabian states in the Mediteranean sea? On the surface, it is the youth, revolting against old men in power. The latter mostly came into power in a socialist revolution against monarchical structures. The leaders sympatised with Russia and held a tight control of resources and the economy as such. Social evolution now wipes away their power, as young people connected the dots and realized the connection between welfare and politics.

Eric Schmidt

Eric Schmidt, the still-CEO from Google, held a remarkable speech at the Digital-Life-Conference in Munich in January 2010.

Do you believe in coincidence?

Yesterday something strange happened I was researching about business models for Social Platforms, so I Googled "social business model". I got a Wiki page about "Social Businesses", which are basically welfare-projects, financed by Crowd Sourcing. I haven´t known it before and it wasn´t what I was looking for. So I searched for "Facebook business model" and found great results about what I was looking for (e.g. written in 2006!). After reading I went back to my Facebook page and there was a post, 4 minutes young, from Mark Zuckerberg , where he asks his followers to discuss, if the "Social Business"-model is suitable for Facebook with a link to the Wiki page, that I was just viewing some minutes before ( ). It had already as many comments as I could scroll. Most people thought he was drunk or something and didn´t take it serious or said it w...