Do you believe in coincidence?

Yesterday something strange happened

I was researching about business models for Social Platforms, so I Googled "social business model". I got a Wiki page about "Social Businesses", which are basically welfare-projects, financed by Crowd Sourcing. I haven´t known it before and it wasn´t what I was looking for. So I searched for "Facebook business model" and found great results about what I was looking for (e.g. written in 2006!).

After reading I went back to my Facebook page and there was a post, 4 minutes young, from Mark Zuckerberg, where he asks his followers to discuss, if the "Social Business"-model is suitable for Facebook with a link to the Wiki page, that I was just viewing some minutes before ( It had already as many comments as I could scroll. Most people thought he was drunk or something and didn´t take it serious or said it wouldn´t work. Then, after some more minutes it was deleted. Most people reviewing this happening say, his account was hacked.

It makes me think about coincidence in general. Somebody researched, that people, who think, that everything that happens in there life has a reason, are more successful than those, who believe in coincidence. I think it is a question of spirituality and religion. I am especially interested, how people think about this in India in comparison to the Western world. Please comment!


  1. that's a good question. In German coincidence is Zufall and a rather belief in Zu-fall what means that the things happen to you how you attract them. You see what you wan't to see and it happens what you wan't to make happen. Like your experience - most things happen when you are on the right time on the righ place!

  2. Things are so connected and we don´t even notice it. Like good, old Dirk Gently from his Holistic Detective Agency is saying:


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